Deal Barbie Pays long

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Important: Get several email addresses

If you decide to join the programs make sure you set up separate email accounts. The downside to doing so many freebie offers (the free offers that require no credit card) is that they will generate a lot of junk email. You will want to sign up to the GPT programs using a main email account and one which you check often. The programs will, on occasion, send you important information about your account and will also notify you when a payment has been processed or an offer has approved etc. When you do trial offers you will also want to use a main email account (I use the same one I use for gpt site registration). The trial offers will send you a confirmation email of your membership/order which you will want to keep. If the offer does not approve then you will need the confirmation email, which is proof that you completed the offer, to request manual credit.

The freebies result in a ton of junk emails. To protect your main email account I recommend you set up several "junk" email addresses and alternate these when doing the "freebies". There are also several little "tricks" that you need to master in order to insure a high rate of approval on your freebie offers:

First thing to remember is that you should clear cookies on your pc between every offer.

You cannot use the same email address on more than one offer in the same family. For example.. If you are planning to do 10 Winning Surveys then you must use a different email address on all 10 otherwise only one of them will approve. You need to be seen as a different member each time you fill out their surveys and they keep track of this through your email address and cookies. So clear cookies and use different addresses on each offer. You do *not* have to create 10 different email addresses for this. What you should do is open a Gmail account. Their email service is free and offers a ton of storage. Create an email address with the maximum characters which is 30. For example, When you do your first Win survey you will use that address. When you complete the second Win survey you will use the same address but place a period between the first two letters ( On the next Win Survey you will place a period between the second and third letters ( so on. Continue with this pattern until you are at the end of your address (stop just before the @ symbol). Then change things up a bit with the next survey. Place a period between the first two letters and another period between the last two letters ( With the next Win survey you can move the last period closer to the first.. between two different letters. I follow a certain pattern with the periods when I do my freebie offers. By the time I'm finished with an email address I have used it well over 100 times.. on over 100 different freebie offers ... and the last time I use the email address I put a period between every single letter. Then it's time to retire that email address and move on to another. You will need to do this with all freebie offers that are within the same family. If your freebies are not approving, this might be why.

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